The content in the previously issued publication released as Binder No. 2 (Same Subject) has been revised, updated, and produced as an 8.5" x 11"
full-color, high resolution, printed bound softcover book. The new publication includes new information found in his artist's
The Egyptian Pyramid book and is now 86 pages in length and described in the artist's own handwriting the
history and creation of the 2005-2006
Luminiart Collection featuring the 6th piece
Egyptian Pyramid. This
publication is the artist's personal commentary plus updated images and
documentation that places the work in the context of his life.
Click here to read the comments received from those Olszewski collectors who initially purchased Bob's publications he has written to date. A sample of selected pages of the three books can be found on the
Artist's website. The USPS shipping cost is $9.65.